For Reps

The on-call coordinator can be reached by calling or texting 202.773.1744. Early intervention by both professional and peer-support personnel who are specially trained and follow an established standard of stress intervention techniques affect recovery from traumatic stress positively. It is believed that proper management of these types of situations can help individuals improve their coping abilities and decrease the development of harmful tendencies.

After any given critical incident or accident, the on-call coordinator for the CISM Team needs to have a point of contact at a facility. Typically, this is one of the elected officials at the facility or the facility representative. In the case of an emergency, the rep (or designee) will need be able to relay the following detailed information to the on-call coordinator:

  • Details of the incident/accident.
  • Who was on duty and witnessed the event and from what positions.
  • Other employees working adjacent positions who indirectly witnessed the event.
  • What are the work schedules of the directly involved employees? This is important to know if a CISD needs to be arranged. If so, when can the group of impacted employees meet to have a CISD?
  • Is a supervisor actively involved in the event? If so, he or she can join a CISD with the employees provided there is not even one employee who objects.
  • Does management expect impacted employees to return to work right away?
  • Have affected employees filed a CA-1 to document the event. If you're unfamiliar with those procedures, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., PASS’s Office of Workers’ Compensation Program (OWCP) representative. Find out more about OWCP.
  • Keep in mind that putting employees back to work too soon after a critical incident becomes a safety issue because the mind is still distracted.
  • The signs and symptoms after a critical incident are real. Review those symptoms with your affected individuals to get an idea of how they are doing.

For Family Members and Friends

Having accurate information about typical reactions coupled with understanding and support from friends and family or other loved ones can make big difference to people affected by traumatic events. As a family member or friend, the best actions you can take are to:

  • Listen carefully.
  • Spend time with the traumatized person.
  • Offer your assistance and a listening ear if he or she has not asked for help.
  • Reassure them that they’re safe.
  • Help them with everyday tasks, like cleaning, cooking and caring for the family.
  • Give them some private time when needed.
  • Don’t take their anger or other feelings personally.
  • Tell them that you are sorry such an event has occurred and you want to understand and assist in any way possible.

For Coworkers

As a coworker, your understanding of the affected person’s situation is vital to their ultimate success. By being aware of appropriate tools and coping strategies, you can put forth your best effort in dealing with the event. Some ways you can demonstrate your support as a coworker are as follows:

  • Be prepared to take action.
  • Express concern for their well-being.
  • Let people talk about their experience.
  • Provide physical, emotional and moral support.
  • Communicate honestly.
  • Minimize exposure to environmental stressors.
  • Provide factual information and reduce the spread of rumors.
  • Continuously evaluate the environment for additional vulnerabilities and strengths.
  • Promote morale.
  • Foster resilience and promote recovery through social support mechanisms.
  • Watch for post event related behavior changes between three to six months of the incident and on anniversary dates.